Built with Berta.me

  1. © Gretas Büro

    © Gretas Büro

  2. Free Transit  - a research

    short film by Greta Mentzel

    The finding of a breeding cell from the Asian dub-mauder wasp in a closet leads to a wide research not only about the insect that migrated from Pakistan to Europe in the 70s, but spins the thread further to our contemporary human society that has to deal with migration, the role of women, identity and spaces for development.

    Benno Barth Award 2021

  3. with                                      Caterina Laruccia

                                                  Minerwa Tahir

    directed and edited by       Greta Mentzel

    photography                       Nikolaus Schlebrügge

    sound design                      Frank Behnke

    sound                                  Joachim Planer, Kompiotr